..World of My Own..

"Sesuatu yang dikehendaki ALLAH pasti berlaku dan sesuatu yang tidak dikehendaki ALLAH pasti tidak akan berlaku."

May 18, 2011


Lupa nak cerita..baru ni aku g tengok citer KONGSI...bagi aku cerita tu memang lawak especially part Shaheizy Sam ngan Azad...aku memang suka diorang berlakon dalam drama Adnan Sempit The Series..

Tiket wayang di atas tiada kaitan dengan Pizza Hut..hehe

"The action-comedy directed by Farid Kamil, focuses on the investigation done by ASP Shariff (Fizo Omar) towards the killing of triad members in Kuala Lumpur. Various triad members are in shambles when they discover the presence of a hired killer Tumulak (Shaheizy Sam), who committed the killings to settle his debt. Asps Shariff are unable to pinpoint who are to be blamed since the cunning Tumulak works alone. In truth, the crimes are masterminded by Kimpedu (Zul Handyblack), who hired Tumulak to stir the nest of the triads as Kimpedu plans to take control over Kuala Lumpur."

Eh, rasanya yang jadi Kimpedu tu Bront Palare bukan Zul Handyblack...aku salah tengok ke??

Cuma ntah la, aku tak berapa faham jalan cerita Kongsi ni...Maybe sebab aku terlelap kot masa tengok cerita ni, sebab tu aku tak berapa faham hehe..

Tapi tak rugi la aku buang duit tengok KONGSI ni..yang penting aku boleh gelak ha3...

1 comment:

  1. smlm aku tgk paper dh RM7 juta kutipan utk tyngan 1 week...waa..blh pecah rekod cam ni...


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